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A historical report on CCX platform that provides day wise consolidated stats of agents on inbound and outbound contacts.
A historical report on CCX platform that provides day wise count of calls to 7 specific numbers.
A half hourly report on CCX platform that displays consolidated statistics on Custom Variable and CSQ.
A historical report on CCX platform that provides day wise consolidated stats on Custom Variable and CSQ.
A real time report on CCX platform that displays statistics of CSQs since midnight.
A report on CCX platform that counts number of calls manually dialed by agent outside the contact center.
A report on CCX platform that consolidates team and agent performance on Socialminer chat KPI’s
A report on CCX platform that displays team performance on inbound KPIs.
A call by call report on CCX platform that displays inbound (ACD & Non-ACD), outbound (IPCC & Non-IPCC), internal, external and transferred calls detail.
This historical report on CCX platform displays consolidated statistics of agent answered (Incoming, Internal, Outgoing, Transfer) calls on team basis.
This report on CCX platform shows agent wise hourly consolidated statistics of received, answered and abandoned calls.
A call by call report on CCX platform that displays lost (abandoned on ring) and abandoned (in queue) calls detail.