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Cisco CUIC Reports

Cisco Unified Contact Center Express (UCCX), Enterprise (UCCE or PCCE)

Additional plug-and-play reports to your CUIC repository. Search through our deposit of stock reports by entering a search term or select one or multiple of the categories on the right within the collection.
300$ for each out-of-the-box report in the catalog. If  none of these suit your reporting requirements, we can build customized reports that you can then install in your environment.
See our wallboard and OLAP/ Business Intelligence solutions for advanced reporting requirements.

Expertflow provides a series of out-of-the-box CUIC records at a fixed price of 300 USD, or for free as part of Expertflow products. Similar bespoken reports can be created.

Custom Call Variable CSQ – Daily

Note: Additional cost for custom database development and deployment of data replication connector will be charged.

FieldnameDescriptionDatafield/ FormulaFormat
DateSelected date from filterDateyyyy-mm-dd
Custom VariableValue from custom variable of UCCXCustom Variable 3
CSQ NameName of the CSQCSQ Name
Calls PresentedNumber of calls routed to the CSQ, regardless of whether an agent picked up the call or notCalls Presented
Avg Queue TimeAverage queue time for all calls routed to the CSQ.Avg Queue Timehh:mm:ss
Max Queue TimeAverage queue time for all calls routed to the CSQ.Avg Queue Timehh:mm:ss
Calls HandledNumber of calls that are handled by this CSQ. A call is handled if a caller is connected to an agent while queued for this CSQCalls Handled
Avg Speed of AnswerAvg time of how quickly contact is answered by an agentTotal queue time / calls handledhh:mm:ss
Avg Handled TimeAverage handle time for all calls that the CSQ handledAvg Handle Timehh:mm:ss
Max Handled TimeLongest handle time of any call that the CSQ handledMax Handle Timehh:mm:ss
Calls AbandonedCalls that are routed to the CSQ and are not answered by agent because the caller hung up or was disconnectedCalls Abandoned
Avg Time To AbandonAverage time the calls spent in the queue before being abandonedAvg Abandon Timehh:mm:ss
Max Time To AbandonLongest time any call spent in the queue before being abandonedMax Abandon Time
Max Abandoned Per DayLargest number of calls abandoned on a single dayMax Aband Per Day
Calls DequeuedNumber of calls that are queued for a CSQ and then dequeued from CSQCalls Dequeued
Avg Time DequeuedAverage time the calls spent in the queue before being dequeued.Avg Time Dequeued
Max Time To DequeueLongest time any call spent in the queue before being dequeuedMax Time Dequeuedhh:mm:ss
 Handled By OtherCalls that are queued for more than one CSQ and then handled by another CSQHandled Other
 Calls Handled < SLCalls that are handled within the Service Level threshold. A call is handled when an agent picks up the call.Calls Handle In SL
 % Service LevelService level percentage(Number of calls handled within the service level / Number of calls presented)
 % HandledHandle calls percentage(Calls Handled / Calls Presented)
 % AbandonedAbandoned calls percentage(Calls Abandoned / Calls Presented)
 % DequeuedDequeued calls percentage(Calls Dequeued/ Calls Presented)

Available Filters

  • Date Time
  • CSQ Names
  • Custom Variable values