All that you want to connect to your Contact Center
We offer a wide range of connectors and integration options for your contact center such as CRM CTI integrations, Chat and Social Media channels, AI Components for automated speech recognition, translation, biometric authentication and many other purposes, CMS / knowledge base search integrations, chat and video integrations for websites and mobile apps, and much more.
Don’t find what you need here? Get in touch with us and we will design a solution for you. We have more than 15 years of experience, and our list of references includes complex projects such as integrating with large banks and financial service institutions, telecom providers and other industries across geographies.
Also, you are free to design and implement your own integrations. All our software has been built with attention to integration options, using open APIs for which we provide online documentation.

Real-time reporting add-on for Cisco UCCX ,UCCE OR PCCE