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Why Expertflow Hybridchat is the best live chat tool

Why Expertflow Hybridchat is the best live chat tool

Looking for an alternative to Intercom, Tawk, Livechat, Purechat or Liveperson? Then you’ve reached the right place.

Here are some differentiators where and when Expertflow is usually the better alternative. Compare Expertflow to alternatives, typical differences are as follows:

  • integrates natively with SMS over SMPP, Facebook Messenger, Viber, Telegram, WeChat and Twilio (through which an integration with Whatsapp is available)
  • has a post-collaboration survey
  • integrates natively with Chatbot Toolkits such as IBM Watson, Google Dialogflow, botkit.ai, Microsoft Botframework, rasai.ai
  • can be natively embedded into your existing CRM such as Microsoft Dynamics, Oracle Siebel, Oracle Servicecloud, SAP
  • has a mobile app for agents
  • has a fully customizeable customer-facing chat interface and can integrate with a tag management tool such as Google Tag Manager to provide features such as GPS Geolocation, WebRTC Video, Customer website activities, co-browsing, triggering of chat on certain web events
  • Hybrid chat – your chatbot auto-answers if the confidence score is high
  • chat supervision
  • unlimited persistent chat history across all chat channels for a certain customer
  • provides an on-prem solution that can be easily installed in the form of a Docker container
  • if you require chat as part of a callcenter, there is really no comparison to Expertflow: We built Hybridchat as an add-on to existing Cisco or Genesys Callcenters. Hybridchat integrates with the contact center media routing. You can start co-broswing or video in addition to a chat, or chat in parallel to a voice/ video call. See this blog comparing Hybrid chat to on-board contact center chat solutions. We integrate with Cisco CCX, CCE  for the following:
    • Agent ID and Skillset synchronization
    • Embedding into Cisco Finesse or the CRM
    • Consolidated agent CTI state across voice and chat
    • Integrates to Cisco CUIC for consolidated reporting
  • Can be extended to provide a conversational IVR/ voice assistant to agents

What we don’t provide