CRM Connectors
Telephony and agent state controls linked to your CRM. Customer profile pop-up on call arrival, click-to-dial, and a unified agent interface both for telephony/ media control and your CRM. For the following CRM solutions, we offer finished CRM connectors that are integrated inside the CRM interface, either as soft client or (in the case of Microsoft Unified Service Desk) as heavy client):
Integration with your CRM
We propose several alternatives to connect a call center to a CRM solution for which there is no ready-made connector. The recommended option is the CIM gadget.
Screen Popup initiated by Finesse
The CRM customer profile pops up in a separate window or tab than the Finesse interface. The contact center agent switches between Finesse and the CRM. Function calls happen via client-side HTML.
Javascript CTI Toolbar
Embed a telephony/ agent state toolbar in your own CRM, using this Javascript toolbar.
Opensocial Gadget in Finesse
This connector embeds the CRM customer information screen into the finesse interface. This connector is possible for CRM Systems supporting the Open UI HTML5 framework.
CIM Gadget in Finesse
CIM customer profile is a Cisco Finesse Gadget that extracts data from a CRM System and displays editeable content, as well as a customer interaction history.