Customer Information Screen-pop
Any customer information such as ANI, DNIS, and ECC variables can be used to pop up a customer profile.
1. Screen pop with incoming call.
2. Show multiple customers mapping a callerID or variable set from ICM.
3. Show customer details information if callerID or variable.

Oracle Siebel gadget for Cisco Finesse
As an alternative, Siebel can be embedded in Cisco Finesse as a gadget.

CTI Call controls (CCX, CCE and CUCM)
Controls/buttons on the toolbar change based on the current state of the agent/call and on the telephony event fired from the contact center. Using the communication toolbar, agent can perform the following actions,
- Accept an incoming call
- Hold/Resume/Release call
- Consultative or blind call transfer to Siebel contacts or extensions
- Conference call.
- Call wrap-up
* blind transfer in case of CCX only supported in 11.6 or higher.
Agent State Controls (CCX and CCE)
The CTI toolbar within ServiceNow also allows the agents to manage their states. The following state controls are supported,
- Login
- Logout
- Logout with reason code
- Ready, Not Ready, Not Ready with reason code
Email & Chat/ Supervisor Features
Handle non-voice channels (chat, email, etc.) from within the CRM interface via CTI Toolbar by leveraging Expertflow Hybrid Chat.
The CTI connector has a suite of features designed specifically for supervisors.
WebRTC / Webphone for customer calls
You can also use the WebRTC/ Webphone for customers, to enable them to call you via voice/ video directly from your website - see