SAP CRM & SAP Hybris C4C CTI Connector

The embedded CTI Connector toolbar provides call controls within the SAP CRM Interaction Center (ICI) or SAP Hybris C4C, eliminating the need for agents to switch between applications.

What sets the Expertflow solution apart from other CRM connectors is that we also provide controls for chat and digital channels. Secondly, agents can receive phone calls directly through a WebRTC webphone embedded in your CRM, without requiring a physically installed softphone or hardphone.

Cisco Unified Contact Center Express (UCCX), Enterprise (UCCE or PCCE)

Call Controls

Controls/buttons on the toolbar change based on the current state of the agent/call and on the telephony event fired from the contact center. Using the communication toolbar, agent can perform the following actions.

  • Accept an incoming call.
  • Hold/Resume/End call.
  • Consult call.
  • Transfer call.
  • Conference call.

Customer Information screen-pop

The caller account popup on call arrival happens based on the caller’s phone number. The caller’s number is matched with any of the SAP Contact’s phone number fields and the popup takes place within SAP CRM interface.

CTI Call controls

Controls/buttons on the toolbar change based on the current state of the agent/call and on the telephony event fired from the contact center. The agent can perform the following actions,

  • Accept an incoming call
  • Hold/Resume/Release call
  • Consultative or blind call transfer
  • Conference call.
  • Call wrap-up

* blind transfer in case of CCX only supported in 11.6 or higher.

Agent State Controls

The CTI toolbar within ServiceNow also allows the agents to manage their states. The following state controls are supported,

  • Login
  • Logout
  • Logout with reason code
  • Ready, Not Ready, Not Ready with reason code

Our connector supports single sign-on for SAP CRM.

Email & Chat/ Supervisor Features

Handle non-voice channels (chat, email, etc.) from within the CRM interface via CTI Toolbar by leveraging Expertflow Hybrid Chat.

The CTI connector has a suite of features designed specifically for supervisors.

SAP Hybris C4C Cloud for Customer

We provide the same functionality also for SAP Cloud for Customer (C4C), in the form of CTI client Adapter.

ImageMultiple callers identified

Find here our detailed technical description of our CTI Connector for SAP Hybris C4C. Embeds as CTI Toolbar widget into SAP. The advantage is that no local software needs to be installed on the agent desktop, and the agent only uses C4C and doesn't have to switch back and forth between SAP CRM and Cisco Finesse.

SAP C4C Architecture diagram