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Mobile Agent for Cisco Finesse on UCCE, PCCE and UCCX for Voice and Chat

Mobile Agent for Cisco Finesse on UCCE, PCCE and UCCX for Voice and Chat

The content of this page has been moved to expertflow.com/mobile-agent.

This mobile app for iPhone and Android allows business owners to communicate in real-time with their customers.

Universal Chat client: Receive live chat over any chat channel (website, Facebook Messenger, Viber, Whatsapp,…) using Expertflow’s Hybridchat solution. Agents/ customer service representatives (CSR’s) can work alongside any Chabot of your choice.

Calls: The app can receive phone calls as a Mobile Finesse client for companies using Cisco UCCX/ UCCE/ PCCE Contact centers. Agents login and set their status on the mobile app, and receive phone calls over their GSM or analog phone lines. 

Mobile Agent Cisco Finesse UCCX PCCE UCCE Chat Voice


Agents/ customer service representatives (CSR’s) only need their mobile phones to support customers.

Customer information from CIM or any third-party applications is also displayed to the agent.


  • Expertflow Hybridchat (for chat) and/ or Customer Interaction licenses (for voice)
  • For Contact centers, an additional port on your voice gateway / CUBE is consumed for the phone line to the agent


Cisco Mobile Agent Hybrid Chat – Video