Cisco CUIC Reports

Cisco Unified Contact Center Express (UCCX), Enterprise (UCCE or PCCE)

Additional plug-and-play reports to your CUIC repository. Search through our deposit of stock reports by entering a search term or select one or multiple of the categories on the right within the collection.
300$ for each out-of-the-box report in the catalog. If  none of these suit your reporting requirements, we can build customized reports that you can then install in your environment.
See our wallboard and OLAP/ Business Intelligence solutions for advanced reporting requirements.

Expertflow provides a series of out-of-the-box CUIC records at a fixed price of 300 USD, or for free as part of Expertflow products. Similar bespoken reports can be created.

Call Transfer Detail

Note: Additional cost for custom database development, configuration and deployment of data replication connector for Call Manager CDRs will be charged.
Fieldname Description Datafield/ Formula Format
Date Date of contact arrival Date yyyy-mm-dd
Call ID  Unique ID of the Call CallID
Caller ID  Calling number of the customer ANI
Opted Skill Name of the Skill group associated with the agent SkillGroupName
Agent Name  Full name of the agent AgentFullName
 Agent ID  Extension of the agent Extension
 Team Name Name of the team associated with the agent TeamName
Call Start Time  Start time of the contact CallStartTime  hh:mm:ss
Queue Time Time when contact get queued  QueueTime  hh:mm:ss
 Answer Time Time when contact is picked up by agent for answer  AnswerTime  hh:mm:ss
 Call End Time End time of the contact CallEndTime  hh:mm:ss
Queue Duration Duration of contact in queue QueueDuration  seconds
 Talk Duration Duration of contact while in talking  TalkDuration  seconds
 Call Duration Total duration of contact  CallDuration  seconds
Hang-up Display of disconnected party (Agent or customer) Hangup

Available Filters

  • Date Time
  • Skills
  • Teams