Customer Feedback – Ongoing ProjectsExpert Flow 2023-05-23 15:59 2023-05-23 15:59Customer Feedback - Ongoing ProjectQuestions marked with an asterisk (*) require answers. *On a scale of 1-5, how satisfied are you with the overall service provided by Expertflow for this project? ---1-Very satisfied2-Satisfied3-Neutral4-Somewhat dissatisfied5-Not satisfied at allAre your expectations met with the service being provided by Expertflow? What areas do you think need improvement? *How satisfied are you with the communication and responsiveness of Expertflow throughout the project? ---1-Very satisfied2-Satisfied3-Neutral4-Somewhat dissatisfied5-Not satisfied at all*How likely are you to recommend Expertflow to others based on your experience with this project? ---1-Very likely2-Likely3-Neutral4-Somewhat likely5-Not likelyDo you have any suggestions or feedback that you would like to share with us? Cisco Marketplace