Facebook Page Privacy Statement

Facebook Page Privacy Statement

Application Privacy Statement

This privacy statement applies to the treatment of personally identifiable information obtained from you in connection with the Experflow Facebook Page where we’ve integrated our application- EFHybridChatPageConnector. This is an internal application developed by Expertflow for its internal use to read, analyse and respond to comments posted on its facebook page. By using or otherwise accessing the Expertflow Facebook Page, you acknowledge that you accept the practices and policies outlined in this Privacy Statement.
  1. What Personal Information does Expertflow Collect?

We collect the following types of information from our facebook page visitors:
  • Personal Information Collected Automatically:
We receive and store comments that you post onto our facebook page. These comments are later analysed by our chatbot to detect intents and carry out the necessary actions.  Apart from the comment, we may also receive your name and facebook user ID. This information remains within our secured servers and is not shared with any other party.
  1. How does Expertflow use the collected personal information?

Experflow uses the information described in this Privacy Statement (section: 1) internally to:
  • Design and develop AI bots -with the aim of improving its products and services delivery to its customers. 
  1. Will Expertflow share any of the personal information it receives?

Expertflow does not share any information received from you with its partners or any other third party.  The information is used only for internal purposes – within expertflow secure networks to improve its products and service delivery.
  1. Can children use our application?

The services available through Expertflow Facebook page are not intended for children but rather for businesses that deal with contact centers, public utility, government or banking sectors . Expertflow does not post information related to children or collect any information about children. 
  1. Notice on Changes to this Privacy Statement.

Expertflow may amend this Privacy Statement from time to time. Use of information we collect now is subject to the Privacy Statement in effect at the time such information is used. If we make changes in the way we use personal information, we will notify you by posting an announcement on our facebook page or website. Users are bound by any changes to the Privacy Statement when he or she uses or otherwise accesses the Experflow facebook page after such changes have been first posted.
  1. Contact for privacy concerns

If you have any questions or concerns regarding privacy statements, access and use of private information, please contact us at ExpertFlow LLC, Jägerweg 18, 3014 Bern, Switzerland, +41 31 331 7417, privacy@expertflow.com.  We will make every effort to resolve your concerns. Effective Date: 05/22, 2020