ACTIVE_Agent Reskilling

Team Administration & Agent Reskilling

Cisco Unified Contact Center Express (UCCX)

Reskill agents and CSQs with drag n drop controls. Give granular permissions to supervisors to manage only certain agents teams, skills, queues, scripts, and applications. 

Workspaces allow you to manage multiple tenants/sites of your business where each supervisor or tenant manager works in their own workspace.

CSQ Administration & Reskilling

Agent reskilling is simplified with a drag-n-drop interface. Supervisors can reskill agents by moving them amongst CSQs. Skill changes are immediately applied in near real time.

Skill-based queues are represented in blue and agent-based queues in green for the quick, visual aid.


Agent Administration

Supervisors can find / view agents based on their profile pictures and apply profile changes to them such as change agent group, skills and competence level using a slider per skill.

Scripts and Application Management

Create new applications and change script variables, such as control switches or triggers. Edit announcements and calendars/ opening hours of the call center.


Multi-tenancy with a centralized CCX

Supervisor Workspaces allow you to manage multiple tenants/sites of your business where each supervisor or tenant manager works in its own workspace. 

The independent workspace management includes management of agents, CSQs, scripts, and applications of the supervisor's team or tenant.

Supervisor Finesse Gadget

The application can also be made available as a supervisor gadget embedded in Cisco Finesse desktop so that supervisors can continue using Finesse for other activities while at the same time managing agent teams.

Hardware Requirements

For machine specifications, see Hardware Sizing sheet. 

Software Requirements

Operating SystemCentOS 7
Docker CEDocker CE18+ and docker-compose
BrowserFirefox 61 or higher
DatabaseMS SQL Server 2014/2016 Standard or Enterprise edition. To support HA, an SQL Server fail over cluster is required to be set up. For a non-HA deployment, the application can also work with MySQL.